Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Pregnancy Lately

**Last prenatal appointment. What I wore: maternity tank/motherhood; maternity dress-shorts/motherhood; watch/gifted-hubby

UGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, its true. Hate to say it, but its true. I really want to stay positive, and for a few weeks there after the yucky stuff with 1st trimester passed, I was. There was a time in the first few weeks of pregnancy, after the initial high of discovering conception success, that I couldn't even get excited about being pregnant because I felt way too sick!! Then I felt elation when I was showing and not feeling so sick. Now, my hip has gone out, my back hurt, its hard to be motivated to exercise because I'm so tired (again) and dizzy, trying to sleep is an endless battle, I've NEVER gotten a break peeing even though I read I was supposed to, pregnancy is just not comfortable.

David says I'm the most like the blond in the movie (What to Expect...), not the perky perfect one, the one who ran the breast feeding shop. Thanks honey. (i know he didn't mean anything bad... and i know i totally related to her... but c'mon, that is not pregnancy at its prettiest.)

To make myself feel better, I decided to google maternity pictures of realistic looking moms... not that I'm hating so much the way I look... But celebrities make pregnancy look too easy, and they're too tiny. These look more real to me... Though I would rather see some tribal images or even more cave-painting-like images.

Ahhh the beautifully blossomed pregnant belly.



  1. Love this, girl! I can totally and completely relate! ; ) <3
    Thinking of you! xoxo

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Chelsea! I'm so glad you stopped by!


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