Monday, September 17, 2012

Baby Showers!

First, let me just tell you how excited I am to be 9 months (37 weeks) pregnant! Baby can come anytime and he'll be just fine :-) according to the he is the size of a watermelon, still gaining an 1/2 ounce everyday, practicing his swallowing, breathing, and sucking his thumb, and making his first little poo (meconium)! It's hard to believe I've been pregnant this long. Let me tell you, these last few weeks are not getting any easier. So BIG, so awkward to maneuver my body, laying on either side just makes my belly hurt, like the skin and muscles rub over the baby creating some kind of bruise or something. Still getting plenty of contractions and braxton hicks, but nothing turning into the real thing yet. We're definitely excited to meet the little guy and we're so thankful everything is ready for him, thanks to so many wonderful people!!

Friday night after work, I went home and picked up David then we went back to work to meet the co-workers for pizza and cupcakes! They were all so sweet! Little baby clothes, baby accessories, lots of great gifts to welcome baby! I wish I had pix from the event, but my camera has been MIA :-(

Sunday afternoon the church ladies had my fourth and final shower! I cannot believe I've had so many showers, so much baby stuff from so many extremely generous people! Our breast pump, stroller, swing, high chair, and sling have all been provided by friends! Not to mention TONS of baby clothes, board books, touch and feel books, pacifiers, diapers, dishes and spoons, just everything. It's overwhelming to have so many people providing for our baby. At the beginning of this pregnancy David and I had figured there wouldn't really be anyone around to help us out, we were fine with that, we're used to providing for ourselves. We made plans to try and get what we needed a little bit at a time. Now, right towards the end, we're bombarded with more than we need! God is good :-)

Cell phone pix compliments of the lady who made the AWESOME strawberry shortcake for my "church" shower. My fav dessert!

All the lovely hostesses!
I got to bring that super cute monkey with balloons home! He's so soft!
I just have to say, there are so many people going through so much in their own lives, they have plenty of things they need to provide for themselves and their families, yet they have made a point to shower us with so much for our little one! I'm just extremely humbled by the generosity and at a loss as to how to show my gratitude. And how awesome is this for a problem? Ready to stop getting gifts because you're tired of putting things away? ;-)
Praise the Lord ya'll, He is good!

1 comment:

  1. That is such a blessing, it is so true God alway's provides. Bless your all's heart's I know you both are so excited. I will keep you guy's in my prayers as you get ready to start an awesome journey in your lives.


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