Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Thoughts from Job

Job 28:28 "Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding."

I read the above verse several nights ago, slowly I am re-reading the Bible through. Since I've been far enough along in pregnancy for Baby to hear me, I've read aloud to him. Hopefully this is helping him develop, but it's definitely helping me remember and pay more attention to what I'm reading.

When we watch morning news shows (Today, GMA, etc.) there is often talk about being business savvy, financially fit, keeping up with latest trends from fashion to what the most popular searches are on Yahoo. What I'm getting at here is these topics are what media, the world, and even myself from time to time, value as important areas in which to be well-versed. This Job passage simplifies things for us. True wisdom comes from "fearing the Lord." I take this to mean trusting Him, knowing what is acceptable to Him for us to do in our lives, obeying what we know He says is right. True understanding comes from "turning away from evil". Sometimes it's blatantly obvious what is evil, other times we have to use our common sense to distinguish what would go against God.

I know how easy it is to get caught up in all manner of complicated schemes and dramas. Getting caught up in all these different areas of "importance" can cause undue stress, anxiety and distraction. If we practice these simple truths of fearing the Lord and turning away from evil, we will be all we need to be and have the wisdom and understanding necessary to navigate more peacefully through our daily grind.

Hopefully tomorrow I will post some points from Sunday's lesson about how we know what is pleasing to God.


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